06 Dec TRX Suspension Trainer Squat
The athletic population requires the development of strength. Progressive strength and conditioning programs will develop strength in patterns. These patterns allow for systematic progression and development of the kinetic chain in a functional manner. Strength exercises are categorized as lower body push, lower body pull, upper body push, and upper body pull. Bilateral and unilateral movement patterns are to be addressed as well as horizontal and vertical patterns in the upper body.
Lower body movement patterns are classified as push and pull patterns dependent upon if the exercise is either hip or knee dominant. A squat pattern is considered a lower body push pattern as the knees are the joint with the greatest range of motion within the exercise. A dead lift is classified as a pull pattern with the posterior chain and hip being the “driver” of the exercise.
The strength coach and athlete must recognize the principles of progression and regression during the implementation of exercise. Progression is the process of increasing the difficulty of an exercise with the goal of challenging the kinetic chain. Increasing load is a very simple example of progressing an exercise. For example progressing from a barbell front squat loaded with 185 lbs to a lift of 200 lbs is a progression.
Regression can be just as important for the athletic population, as during the process of developing the kinetic chain appropriately for injury prevention and performance, situations may arise where a movement pattern is dysfunctional, or needs to be “cleaned up” prior to advancing. This is one instance where regressing an exercise is beneficial. Returning from injury is a second example where regressing exercises and addressing patterns is conducive. It is very important to utilize both regression and progression in the overall development of strength and conditioning programs.
The squat pattern which is a basic functional pattern of the kinetic chain is one such pattern where regressions for the athletic or general population can be very beneficial. Many individuals struggle with the mechanics of a loaded squat. Unloading this movement pattern can be very beneficial in the development of proper mechanics, clearing dysfunctions, and assisting in the development of the kinetic chain. The TRX Suspension Trainer Squat is an ideal exercise for this process as unloading of body weight can occur with this training tool.
Why It’s Important: The ability to perform basic movement patterns is imperative for the ability of the kinetic chain to execute complex athletic actions. Secondly, prior to the progression of exercises for strength development basic movement patterns need to be efficient.
Improves Your: Squat mechanics and total body patterning.
The Common Problem: The athletic and general population will have dysfunctional patterning resulting in inefficient movements, increased potential for injury, poor power production, and an inability to progress patterns.
The Solution: Develop the appropriate levels of joint mobility and stability within the kinetic chain. Additionally, regress complex movement patterns to allow the kinetic chain to ingrain the proper sequencing.
TRX Suspension Trainer Squat
Set Up:
- Grasp handles with both hands
- Step away from attachment point 3-4 feet
- Bend the elbows and position the feet shoulder width apart
- Position torso upright and eyes looking forward
- Squat downward keeping the heels on the floor
- Maintain an upright torso and hinge the hips
- Continue moving the hips backwards bending the knees
- Unload the pattern with the holding the TRX unit
- Squat as low as possible with clean technique
- Return to starting position and repeat
About Performance Coach Sean Cochran: Sean Cochran, one of the most recognized performance coaches in sports today. A career spanning positions with 2 major league baseball organizations, over 12 years on the PGA Tour and work with top professionals including three-time Masters, PGA, and British Open Champion Phil Mickelson, future hall of fame Trevor Hoffman, and Cy Young award winner Jake Peavy provides Sean a proven track record of success. He has been involved in the production of numerous performance videos and authored books including; Performance Golf Fitness, Complete Conditioning for Martial Arts, and Fit to Hit. He has been a presenter of educational seminars for numerous organizations including the world renown Titleist Performance Institute.