17 Sep A review of the effects of concurrent resistance and endurance training on cyclists
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of concurrent resistance and endurance training in the physiological and performance parameters of well-trained cyclists (Levin et al., 2009). Optimal training programs for cyclists are vague, and the implementation of resistance training concurrently with endurance training is not detailed in terms of the inclusion of resistance training can enhance certain aspects of cycling performance (Levine et al. 2009). A limited number of studies have examined the effects of resistance training of cycling performance and the authors of this study hypothesized resistance training in concurrence with endurance training in experienced cyclists will have a positive effect on performance (Levin et al., 2009).
Before and after a 6-week concurrent training period, 14 well-trained male cyclists completed a maximum graded exercise test, a 30-km dynamic cycling test with three intermittent 250 meters and one-kilometer sprints, and a 1 RM squat test for lower extremity strength (Levin et al., 2009). Subjects were allocated into 2 groups, a resistance training group and a control group (Levin et al., 2009). The resistance training group performed a six-week undulating periodization resistance training program in conjunction with their regular cycling program (Levin et al., 2009). The control group performed only their regular cycling program.
Upon completion of the 6-week of the undulating periodization training segment all tests were performed again. The results of the tests indicated no change in the graded exercise test parameters in either group (Levin et al., 2009). The resistance group compared to the control group did not differ in 30-km time trial and sprinting performance relative to the control group (Levin et al., 2009). The researchers in conclusion determined concurrent resistance training and endurance training in well trained cyclists did not improve overall cycle time trial performance (Levin et al., 2009).
The authors suggested reasons for the findings of the study. One reason was the increased work performed by the resistance training group may have caused a situation of overreaching and the lack of performance due to the overreaching was depicted in the second set of tests (Levin et al., 2009). A second possible reason is the pacing strategies of the cyclists may have impacted the results of the sprinting (Levin et al., 2009). A third reason for the lack of improvement in the spring performance may have been a result of lag time (Levin et al., 2009). The six weeks of resistance training followed immediately by post-testing did not allow sufficient time for the cyclists to develop the muscular power that could be translated into enhanced cycling performance (Levin et al., 2009). A final reason for the lack of improvement in sprint performance may have been related to the lack of specificity of resistance training (Levin et al., 2009). The single set training utilized in the resistance group of 5 to 12 repetitions are markedly lower than the estimated 28, 113, and 3,840 repetitions performed during 250-meter sprints, 1-km sprints, and 30-km time trial (Levin et al., 2009).
Training Plan
After a review of the study and information of concurrent resistance training and endurance training programming having zero improvements in times of well-trained cyclists, I would suggest some modifications in the resistance training program utilized by the researchers. These changes may create a positive physiological effect in the cyclists in sprinting and time trials.
The initial change would be a shift from an undulating periodization program to a traditional periodization program. An undulating periodization program involves fluctuations within each microcycle in terms of volume and load (Haff & Triplett, 2016). Whereas a traditional periodization schedule a specific amount of time in terms of microcycles maintain specified volumes and intensity in a gradual cycling of specificity to achieve a peak performance (Baechle et al., 1991). This initial change in periodization schedule format would allow a specified amount of time to address strength endurance, maximum strength, explosive strength, and power where each specified block of time develops the physiological components to improve the next phase of development (Haff et al., 2016). It appears the study addressed primarily strength with little attention paid to the development of strength endurance or power which are important physiological components in the improvement of force outputs, muscular endurance, and power within the body.
The second change would be to extend the amount of time the cyclists were trained with a resistance training program. The authors did acknowledge a six-week time frame may have been to short of a time to allow for the enhancement of the physiological components to improve time trials and sprinting in the cyclists. Expanding the periodization schedule to 12-20 weeks would provide at least 4 weeks in each block of strength endurance, maximum strength, and power for the cyclists to improve underlying physiological qualities. In addition, input a unloading week prior to testing for the cyclists to recover.
A third component to address which was not addressed by the researchers in the 6-week undulating periodization schedule to high degree was power development. Power development would be addressed in strength/power phase of the traditional periodization schedule (Haff et al., 2016). This phase would involve very high loads and low volumes to elicit improvements in the power outputs of the muscular system (Haff et al., 2016). These loads would vary from 30-95% of 1 RM dependent upon the exercise selected (Haff et al., 2016).
The final change in programming to the cyclist’s would be the inclusion of plyometrics. Outside of the jump squat, plyometrics were not a part of the researcher’s resistance training program (Levin et al., 2009). Plyometrics enable muscles to reach maximal force in the shortest amount of time possible (Haff et al., 2016). Plyometrics are based upon the stretch-shortening cycle and the enhancement of this cycle can benefit the production of force and power by the muscular system (Baechle et al., 1991). The inclusion of plyometrics into the periodization schedule would assist in the development of power and force within the muscular systems of the cyclists.
Sample Training Cycle
The implementation of a traditional periodization schedule for the cyclists would commence with a comprehensive series of assessments and testing. Joint mobility, flexibility, segmental stabilization, muscular strength, and power would comprise the initial assessments. The secondary set of tests would examine anaerobic power and aerobic outputs of the cyclists. The final series of testing would be comprised of the tests performed in the initial research study for a baseline.
Review of the tests and assessments findings outside of the final battery of cycling tests would be utilized in the development of individualized programming for all cyclists involved in the study. Any kinetic chain dysfunctions, limitations in joint mobility, soft tissue extensibility would be addressed on an individual basis with daily programming. Outside of individual programming, the cyclists would adhere to traditional periodization schedule with an initial strength endurance phase. The strength endurance phase would be 4 weeks in length with a low training intensity and high volume with the goal of developing a muscular endurance base within the cyclists (Haff et al. 2016). Cycling and road work would continue during this phase and scheduled in accordance to the cyclist’s current training schedule. In accordance to the parameters outlining increases in muscular endurance the following intensities, training volumes, rest periods, and frequency were adhered to during this four-week phase (Haff et al., 2016):
- Intensity: Low to moderate 50% of 1 RM
- Volume: High 3-6 sets (not including warm up sets) 15 repetitions
- Rest periods: 1 minute between sets, 2 minutes between exercises
- Training Frequency: 3 days per week
The 3-day programming during the muscular endurance phase contained upper and lower extremity exercises with a greater focus on the lower body due to the nature of sport. Core stabilization, corrective exercises, joint mobility, and flexibility programming performed daily. Below is a sample day within a the seven-day microcycle of the cyclist’s strength and conditioning program.
- Sample Day Microcyle Muscular Endurance Phase
Monday | Sets | Repetitions | Intensity | Rest Interval |
Barbell Back Squat | 3 | 15 | 50% 1 RM | 1 minute |
Assisted Pull Up | 3 | 15 | 50 % 1 RM | 1 minute |
Dumbbell Lunges | 3 | 15 | 50% 1 RM | 1 minute |
Incline Bench Dumbbell Bench Press | 3 | 15 | 50% 1 RM | 1 minute |
Barbell Deadlift | 3 | 15 | 50% 1 RM | 1 minute |
Single Leg Dumbbell Dead Lift | 3 | 10 | 50-75% 1 RM | 1 minute |
Core Circuit 3 exercises | 3 | 15 | 1 minute between circuit |
After the cyclist’s complete the muscular endurance phase of the traditional periodization phase and unloading week would occur. After completion of the unloading week, the periodization schedule would shift to a basic strength phase (Haff et al., 2016). The focus of the 4-week strength phase is to increase the strength of the muscles essential in the sport of cycling. The muscles of focus would be the lower extremities in a 3-day per week training format. The intensity of the strength phase would be higher with a moderate volume (Haff et al., 20160. The exercise intensity would range from 80-95% of 1 RM and volume would be two to six sets for two to six repetitions (Haff et al., 2016). Listed below are the following intensities, training volumes, rest periods, and frequency were adhered to during this four-week strength phase (Haff et al., 2016):
- Intensity: Moderate to high 80-95% of 1 RM
- Volume: Moderate to high 2-5 sets (not including warm up sets) 2-6 repetitions
- Rest periods: 3 minutes between sets, 3 minutes between exercises
The 3-day programming during the strength phase was performed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The core stabilization exercises were performed three days per week with the individualized corrective exercises, joint mobility, and flexibility programming performed daily. The cyclist’s continued their daily road work throughout the 4-weeek strength phase. Below is a sample day within a the seven-day microcycle of the rugby union player’s strength and conditioning program.
Sample Day Microcyle Strength Phase
Monday | Sets | Repetitions | Intensity | Rest Interval |
Barbell Back Squat | 5 | 5 | 80-95% 1 RM | 3 minutes |
Romanian Deadlift | 5 | 5 | 80-95% 1 RM | 3 minutes |
Bulgarian Split Squat | 5 | 5 | 80-95% 1 RM | 3 minute |
Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift | 5 | 5 | 80-95% 1 RM | 3 minutes |
Core Circuit exercises | 3 | 15 | 1 minute |
After the completion of the 4-week strength phase of the traditional periodization schedule the cyclists would unload for one week and progress to the first transition phase. The first transition phase would be a shift towards the elevation of strength and the development of power (Haff et al., 2016). The strength/power phase of the first transition would involve low to high loads and low volumes depending on the exercise (Haff et al., 2016). Training volume would be low in the range of two to five set for two to five repetitions (Haff et al., 2016). The cyclists during this last phase would continue their planned road and bike work. After completion of the strength/power phase, one week of unloading would occur. After completion of the unloading week, all the initial test would be performed. A comparison would be created afterwards to determine if a resistance training program based upon a traditional periodization schedule with the appropriate phases improved the physiological and performance parameters of well-trained endurance cyclists.
Baechle, T. (Ed.). (1994) Essentials of strength training and conditioning, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Haff, G. Triplett, T. (2016) Essentials of strength training and conditioning 4th edition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Levin, G. McGuigan, M. Laursen, P. (2009) Effect of concurrent resistance and endurance training of physiological parameters of well-trained endurance cyclists. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 23 (8) 2280-2286.