Core Exercises

TRX Rip Trainer Straight Arm Rotations

Exercises incorporating the Serape Effect are integral in the strength and conditioning programs of the overhead throwing and striking athlete. These athletes in the sports of baseball, tennis, golf, volleyball, softball, lacrosse, and ice hockey must recognize the rotary components involved in the power production aspects of the athletic actions associated with their sport. In all of the aforementioned sports a rotary component is involved where speed development occurs. The development of speed via the kinetic chain is integral in the...

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TRX Suspension Trainer Roll Out

The athletic and general population must recognize the importance of developing the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. The L-P-H (lumbo-pelvic-hip) complex commonly referred to as the core is integral in postural positioning, efficient human movement on a daily basis, execution of athletic actions in sports, and general injury prevention. One must recognize a large contingent of "mis-information" is present directing individuals in the execution of "core exercises" which are in general not conducive in the development of the core musculature. First and foremost athletes...

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TRX Rip Trainer Low Strikes Performance Exercise

The overhead throwing and striking athlete must recognize the importance of developing the rotary capacities of the kinetic chain. The baseball, softball, tennis player, golfer, volleyball, ice hockey, and lacrosse athlete generate power in a rotational movement pattern. These rotational movement patterns are what elicit bat speed, swing speed, throwing velocities, and serving speeds. In order to accentuate these capacities in addition to executing the base athletic actions within their sports requires anti-rotational and rotational capacities within the kinetic chain. These...

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Cable Press Out Performance Exercises

The overhead throwing and striking athlete in baseball, golf, tennis, volleyball, ice hockey, and volleyball must recognize the importance of developing the stabilization capacities of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. Recognize the L-P-H Complex commonly referred to as the core is extremely important relative to the athlete maintaining postural positioning, the execute of efficient movement patterns, limit pattern overloads, and the generation of rotational power. One component in the development of the core musculature is the ability to resist rotation commonly referenced as...

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Kettle Bell Wind Mill Performance Exercise

The L-P-H commonly referred to as the "core" encapsulates  all the articulate and soft tissue structures on the anterior, posterior, and lateral sections of the torso. This section of the kinetic chain includes the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (L-P-H) and muscle groups such as the abdominals, obliques, erector spinae, glutes, adductors, abductors, and hamstring complex. Collectively these structures are responsible for a number of functions in the kinetic chain. These functions include; Postural control, assistance in optimal joint functioning, efficient transfer of...

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Alternating Arm & Leg Extension Core Performance Exercise

The development of the stabilization capacities of the core is integral in the development of sports performance qualities within the athletic population. The health and fitness professional must recognize the process of developing the postural control, neuromuscular efficiency, and stabilization capacities of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex is sequential in terms of exercise stages. This sequential process will begin with basic stabilization exercises with minimal movement requirements, and progress to more complex exercises. Initial core stabilization exercises will focus on engaging the deep...

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TRX Suspension Trainer Jack Knife

The lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (L-P-H) commonly referred to as the "core" is an integral component in sports performance and efficient human movement. What must be recognized about the core is the importance this anatomical section of the kinetic chain plays relative to stabilization of the spine, the creation of movement, the maintenance of postural positioning, and the generation of power in sport. If the stabilization capacities of the muscular structures associated with the core are weak and lack the capacities to execute...

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Lunge Position Cable Rotations Performance Exercise

The ability of the athlete to maintain stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex while generating rotary movement patterns with the hips and shoulders is imperative. The majority of rotary sports require the athlete to generate speed in a transverse plane. In order to complete this requirement efficiently, the athlete must have adequate levels of mobility in the hips, thoracic spine, and shoulders. In addition, it is necessary for the athlete to organize the spine and maintain stability in the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. An...

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Bosu Ball Mountain Climber with Rotation

The ability of the core to efficiently transfer energy through the kinetic chain, generate power, and maintain postural positioning during athletic actions requires segmental stabilization. Segmental stabilization is the ability of any system to remain unchanged or aligned in the presence of outside forces. Segmental stabilization is contingent upon strength development within the muscular system and efficiency within the neural system. It is the combination of these two physical components which allow for the kinetic chain to achieve the aforementioned requirements...

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Exercise Ball Table Top with Arm and Leg Extension

The rotary athlete, golfer, tennis player, and baseball player are all required to generate speed and transfer this speed through the kinetic chain into a ball, bat, club, racquet, or stick. In order for speed development to be maximized and transferred efficiently, segmental stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex is required. In order for the athlete to develop segmental stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex commonly referred to as the "core" utilizes exercises where the athlete is required to maintain a neutral spine...

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Bent Knee Exercise Ball Back Press

The exercise ball is a staple in my arsenal of training tools for the golfer, baseball player, or any athlete for that matter. This piece of exercise equipment is extremely versatile as it can be used in the development of a number of performance parameters of the kinetic chain such as flexibility, strength, and power. The exercise ball is particularly useful in the development of the core, glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. That is why in all of my performance training...

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Pike Strength Ball Exercise for Sports Performance

The strength ball or exercise ball as it is commonly referred too may be one of the best and most versatile pieces of equipment in the gym. I have personally used the strength ball in my training for well over 15 years and continue to use it today. The benefits of the strength ball are vast as it is a great tool to develop core stabilization strength, create instability, and in general develop exercise progressions. Strengths of the exercise ball are...

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Physio-Ball Forearm Saws Perfomance Exercise

The development of segmental stability or sometimes referred to as pillar strength is integral in the overall development of the athlete. Limitations in segmental stability within the lumbo/pelvic/hip complex can adversely affect sports performance. Improves Your: Pillar strength Target Area: Musculature of the lumbo/pelvic/hip complex Why It's Important: Segmental stabilization within the lumbo/pelvic/hip complex is integral for the athlete in the maintenance of postural positions in sport, the transfer of speed through the kinetic chain, and the generation of rotary speed. The Common Problem:...

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Kettle Bell Plank Row Performance Exercise

The kettle bell is a very useful tool for sports performance training. This piece of equipment is very versatile and can be utilized for a number of modalities, one of which is the development of strength and stability within the core. The core is a very integral part of the kinetic chain as it pertains to power development, the transfer of kinetic energy, and maintaining postural positions in sport. Any strength and conditioning program for sport should focus on the development...

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Physio-Ball Jack Knife Performance Exercise

The development of core stability is a key component of any sports performance program. The core is integral in the maintenance of postural positions during sports performance, the transfer of ground reaction forces to upper extremities, and the generation of rotational speed. Improves Your: Core Stabilization Strength and Postural Control Target Area: Core Musculature Why It's Important: Athletic action and sports performance requires the transfer of energy through the kinetic chain, the maintenance of postural positions while extremity movements occur, and the generation...

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Tennis Ball Lifts Performance Exercise

The "Glutes" are the largest muscle group within the kinetic chain and a very powerful muscle group as it pertains to performance. Unfortunately for many athletes the glutes do not "fire" and are not "active" during sports performance. The benefits of getting the glutes to "fire" and contribute in athletic actions is of great benefit. Improves Your: Glute Activation Target Area: Glute Medius & Maximus Why It's Important: The Glutes are a driver of the lower body, active in rotary movement patterns, involved...

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Side Plank Core Stabilization Performance Exercise

The ability of the core anatomy to transfer energy from the lower extremities to the upper body, maintain postural positions, and oppose external forces is imperative to sports performance. The greater efficiency by which the kinetic chain can fulfill these requirements of sports the greater potential for success by the athlete. Improves Your: Core Stabilization & Anti-Rotation Capacities Target Area: Musculature of the Core Why Its' Important: As stated above the majority of sports require a transfer of energy generated by the lower...

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