Power Exercises

Linear Hurdle Jumps Performance Exercise

Power development is an integral piece of the equation for any throwing or striking athlete. Regardless if you participate in baseball, softball, tennis, golf, or volleyball any athlete generates power with the goal increasing swing speeds, bat speeds, club head speeds, and throwing velocities. What we must also recognize is the increasing of power is beneficial to any level athlete from the weekend warrior to the professional level. Finally, age should not be a deterrent as the fifty plus golfer...

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Single Arm Kettle Bell Swing

The development of power is integral in the strength and conditioning program of the overhead throwing and striking ahtlete. The development of speed in throwing and hitting by the baseball, softball, tennis, golf, volleyball, or lacrosse athlete is integral in success during competition. The process of developing the power components of the kinetic chain requires the implementation of specialized exercises within the athlete's strength and conditioning program. The specialized exercises typically classified as Olympic Lifts, Olympic Hybrids, Plyometrics, and certain Kettle...

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Single Leg Box Jump Performance Exercise

The development of power is integral in the strength and conditioning program of the athlete. A variety of different training modalities can be utilized in the development of the power capacities within the kinetic chain. Typically we can classify power training modalities into two categories: 1) Olympic Lifting and 2) Plyometrics. Olympic Lifting incorporates the utilization of the traditional Olympic weightlifting exercises the snatch and clean and jerk. Hybrids of these two basic lifts can also be included in this...

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Medicine Ball Chop Throw Performance Exercise

The development of power in the transverse plane is very important for the rotary based athlete. The baseball, softball, golf, tennis, volleyball, and ice hockey athlete generate speed in a rotary pattern. The rotary speed developed by the kinetic chain in conjunction with speed from the biomechanics of the athletic actions of the sport are transferred into club, stick, ball, or racquet. The summation of these forces will dictate the amount of speed the athlete generates during competition. The strength and...

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Medicine Ball Bent Over Chest Throw Performance Exercise

The majority of athletes require total body power. This allows the athlete to sprint, change direction, hit, throw, and swing with speed. In order for the athlete to maximize their power outputs during competition it is necessary for the strength and conditioning coach to develop the power components of the kinetic chain. Developing the power components of the kinetic chain requires the utilization of specialized exercises to enhance the rate of force production of the neuromuscular system. Power training is very...

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Medicine Ball Overhead Throw

The development of power in the kinetic chain is imperative for success on the field of competition. The rotary athlete is required to develop power to throw, hit, sprint, and change direction. A lack of power will decrease the generation of swing speeds, bat speed, clubhead speed, and acceleration. The development of power within the kinetic chain requires specialized exercises developing speed within the neuromuscular system via rapid contraction of muscles fibers. This can be achieved via a number of different...

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Standing Medicine Ball Side Throw

Rotary athletes in the sports of baseball, softball, tennis, golf, ice hockey, and volleyball all require the ability to generate power in rotary movement patterns. This allows the athlete to generate speed which is then transferred into the bat, club, ball, or puck. Improving the rotary power capacities of the kinetic chain will provide the athlete with the opportunity to generate higher rotary speed outputs. Improves Your: Rotary Power Outputs Target Area: Hips and Core Why It's Important: Athletes in rotary sports are...

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Kettle Bell Swings Performance Exercise

The development of strength and power in the kinetic chain is imperative to sports performance. The kettle bell is an extremely useful piece of equipment to utilize in the development of both of these parameters in the kinetic chain. Athletes especially at the high school and occasionally at the collegiate level lack the lower body and hip strength to generate power. Improves Your: Lower Body Strength and Power Outputs Target Area: Lower Body and Hips Why Its' Important: The generation of speed, sprinting...

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Medicine Ball Overhead Scoop Throw Performance Exercise

The development of lower body power is integral in most all sports. Increasing the rate of force production and speed of force production will benefit the athlete in the majority of actions involved in sport today. One type of modality the strength and conditioning coach can utilize to enhance lower body power production is plyometrics sometimes referred too as jump training. Improves Your: Lower Body Power Outputs & Triple Extension Target Area: Lower Body Musculature Why Its' Important: Lower body power is a...

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Box Jumps Power Performance Exercise

The generation of power from the lower body is integral as it pertains to speed development, triple extension, ground reaction forces, and the translation of energy through the kinetic chain. Athletic performance in the majority of sports require lower body power and as a result the development of lower body power is a cornerstone of any strength and conditioning program. Improves Your: Lower Body Push Power & Deceleration Target Area: Musculature of Lower Body Why Its' Important: The generation of speed in most...

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Medicine Ball Power Drops Performance Exercise

The generation of power from the kinetic chain is imperative in sports performance. Speed, agility, and overall athletic performance is dependent upon this component. That being said, regardless of sport, power development is a key component of any strength and conditioning program. Improves Your: Upper Body Push Power Target Area: Prime Movers of the Shoulder Joint Why Its’ Important: Power generation is strength plus speed. It is necessary to develop both of these components within the kinetic chain. Differing modalities address each of...

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Kneeling Medicine Ball Power Performance Exercise

Increasing rotary speeds in the throwing or striking athlete is contingent upon the efficiency by which you execute the swing or throw and the ability of your body to generate power. Increasing the power outputs via power performance exercises is one component the athlete can utilize to increase throwing and striking speed. Improves Your: Rotary Speed Target Area: Core   Why It's Important: Increasing rotary speed equates to improved power production for the throwing and striking athlete. In order to develop higher levels of rotary...

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