Functional Strength Exercises

Guidelines and Principles of Strength Training

The intended goals of a strength and conditioning program for the athletic or general population is based upon the implementation of a properly structured program. The design component of the program will utilize a structured approach to stimulate the intended physiological, psychological, and tactical goals of the athlete (Bompa and Buzzichelli, 2019). The physiological goals of such programming are typically centered upon adaptations within the cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems of the body. To create the intended adaptations within these systems...

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Wide Grip Pull Up Performance Exercise

One component of the strength and conditioning programs of the athletic population is the development of neuromuscular strength. Increasing the force outputs of the kinetic provides the athlete an opportunity to develop more power, improve stabilization capacities within the kinetic chain, reduce the potential for injury, and increase the opportunity to execute athletic actions with greater efficiency. Recognize athletic actions in sport are "feet to fingertip" where the entire kinetic chain is being recruited to execute the requirements of the sports....

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Single Leg Suit Case Dead Lift

Comprehensive strength and conditioning programs for the professional athlete to weekend warrior or even fitness enthusiast utilizes a training template with sections addressing flexibility, mobility, joint range of motion, core stabilization, strength, power, and energy system development. Breaking this template down to a greater degree and focusing on the strength development section of a program recognize the importance of training movements and not muscles. I believe strength coach Mike Boyle may have been the first to coin this phrase, regardless, know...

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TRX Suspension Trainer Squat

The athletic population requires the development of strength. Progressive strength and conditioning programs will develop strength in patterns. These patterns allow for systematic progression and development of the kinetic chain in a functional manner. Strength exercises are categorized as lower body push, lower body pull, upper body push, and upper body pull. Bilateral and unilateral movement patterns are to be addressed as well as horizontal and vertical patterns in the upper body. Lower body movement patterns are classified as push and...

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Single Leg TRX Suspension Trainer Lunge

The overhead throwing and striking athlete participating in baseball, softball, tennis, golf, volleyball, and lacrosse requires the development of lower body strength. The development of functional strength in the lower body allows these athletes to execute the movement patterns of their sport efficiently, allows for the generation of speed, the development of ground reaction forces, the prevention of injury, and general improvement in their sport of choice. What the strength and conditioning coach and athlete must recognize is the development of...

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Horizontal Row Performance Exercise

Program design for the recreational to professional athlete and every individual between adheres to certain training principles. This concepts holds true for every component of a strength and conditioning program. Each component within a training program should have a specific purpose and goal in terms of training response. Resistance training has the goal of increasing the strength components of the neuromuscular system. This is achieved by placing the kinetic chain under duress. This state of "duress" is achieved by challenging the...

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Kettle Bell Dead Lift Performance Exercise

The kinetic chain of the athlete operates as a unit to generate speed, change direction, sprint, throw, hit, or run. Recognizing this base element of sports performance it is necessary for the athlete or coach to develop the kinetic chain as a unit. Utilizing this principle in sports performance training provides the opportunity of the programming to create a transfer of training effect onto the field of competition. If the athlete utilizes isolated, non-functional, and uni-planar training in the majority of...

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T-Rotation Push Up Performance Exercise

The rotary athlete competing in baseball, softball, tennis, golf, ice hockey, or lacrosse must recognize the importance of developing the strength parameters of the kinetic chain. It is important to recognize the body functions as a unit to execute athletic actions. As a result, developing the strength parameters of the neuromuscular system requires integrating the kinetic chain. The integration of the kinetic chain can be challenging as it pertains to the development of strength within the neuromuscular system. The exercises selected...

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Exercise Ball Push Up Performance Exercise

Athletes require the development of functional strength in both the upper and lower body. Functional strength development is predicated upon multi-joint, total body, integrated, NOT isolated movement patterns. Human movement and the execution of athletic actions recruit the entire body "feet to fingertips" and in order to create a transfer of training effect from the weight room onto the field of competition, it is necessary for the sport performance coach to address the development of functional strength in the athlete's strength...

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Single Arm Dumbbell Row Performance Exercise

The development of lower and upper body strength is imperative for all athletes. Increases in total body strength allow the athlete the potential to generate more power, reduce injury, and increase overall performance during competition. The athlete, coach, and trainer must recognize the kinetic chain operates as a collective unit to perform athletic actions during competition. As a result, the strength and conditioning program of the athlete must develop the neuromuscular system of the body in accordance to the requirements of...

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Single Leg Dumbbell Dead Lift

The development of single leg strength, hip extension, and the posterior chain is imperative for any athlete. Regardless if you are a golfer, tennis player, baseball, softball, or volleyball athlete the development of lower body strength will invariably improve the athleticism within your sport. What the athlete, trainer, or performance coach must also realize the majority of athletic actions are performed on a single leg. Rarely in sport are athletes utilizing both legs of the lower body equally during competition....

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Goblet Squat Sports Performance Exercise

The rotary athlete in baseball, golf, tennis, softball, or tennis all require lower body strength. Lower body strength creates a base for the development of ground reaction forces, generation of power, and is a base for improvements in quickness, speed, and agility. Developing lower body strength bilaterally and unilaterally is an important segment of an athlete's strength and conditioning program. It is imperative this strength is developed in knee dominant push patterns and hip dominant pull patterns. Improves Your: Lower Body Bilateral...

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Tubing Press Sports Performance Exercise

Athletes in all sports require varying levels of upper body strength for optimal performance. The development of upper body strength for the athlete is based upon utilizing exercising addressing what is termed upper body push and pull strength in both horizontal and vertical patterns. Upper body strength is imperative for athletes for a number of reasons. At the base of these reasons is the ability to execute athletic actions efficiently and generate power. Poor upper body strength in contact sports will...

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Bulgarian Split Squat Functional Strength Exercise

Unilateral lower body strength is imperative for all athletes. Very rarely in competition are athletes stationary on the ground, utilizing both legs equally to move, generate speed, or execute athletic actions. As a result it is imperative the strength and conditioning professional implement exercises and modalities to increase unilateral lower body strength. Improves Your: Lower body unilateral push strength Target Area: Quadriceps, Glutes, Hamstring Complex, Abductors, Adductors Why It's Important: Execution of athletic actions, change of direction, acceleration, and development of ground reaction...

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Single Leg Bench Squat Sports Performance Exercise

Lower body strength allows athletes to generate speed, change directions quickly, sprint, and perform a multitude of athletic requirements in sport. The development of lower body strength will definitively assist the athlete in executing the aforementioned aspects of performance in sport. Improves Your : Lower Body Unilateral Strength Target Area: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Adductors, and Abductors   Why Its Important: The kinematic sequence of power production, ground reaction forces, sprinting, and change of direction occurs in a sequential order. This order is initiated by the lower body...

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