21 Oct Kettle Bell Dead Lift Performance Exercise
The kinetic chain of the athlete operates as a unit to generate speed, change direction, sprint, throw, hit, or run. Recognizing this base element of sports performance it is necessary for the athlete or coach to develop the kinetic chain as a unit. Utilizing this principle in sports performance training provides the opportunity of the programming to create a transfer of training effect onto the field of competition.
If the athlete utilizes isolated, non-functional, and uni-planar training in the majority of his or her programming. The results of the strength and conditioning program will be significantly lower. The challenge for the athlete becomes how can they integrate the entire kinetic chain in a multi-planar fashion within their training program?
This hurdle can easily be overcome when the athlete or coach focuses on developing strength patterns. First noted by strength and conditioning coach Mike Boyle, this training principle allows the strength parameters of the kinetic chain to be in improved in a integrated, functional, and multi-planar training method.
This system breaks the kinetic chain down into patterns of upper body push, lower body push, upper body pull, and lower body pull quadrants. Each pattern is trained with exercises to develop the strength parameters of the kinetic chain. Taking this system a step further will include horizontal push, horizontal pull, vertical push, and vertical pull patterns for the upper body. And finally bilateral and unilateral for the both the upper and lower bodies.
Utilizing this information we recognized the importance of developing lower body pull strength. This strength pattern is dominated by the hips. A very basic lower body pull pattern to utilize is the Kettle Bell Dead Lift. This exercise is a multi-joint lower body exercise requiring stabilization of the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex.
Improves Your: Lower Body Bilateral Pull Strength
Target Area: Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Minimus, Hamstring Complex, Core Musculature
Why It’s Important: The generation of speed, development of ground reaction forces, change of direction, and postural positioning are contingent upon specified levels of muscular strength within the kinetic chain.
The Common Problem: A lack of lower body strength in the athlete lowers the power outputs of the kinetic chain, limits the amount of ground reaction forces, and ultimately decreases performance during competition.
The Solution: The athlete implementing a strength and conditioning program developing strength parameters of the kinetic chain with multi-planar, functional, and integrated training modalities.
Kettle Bell Dead Lift
Set Up:
- Position feet shoulder width apart and feet pointed out slightly
- Set Kettle Bell between feet in the center of stance
- Torso upright with eyes looking forward
- Arms straight in front of torso
- Push hips backwards and simultaneously bend the knees
- Continue to move hips backwards and bending knees to a position where hands grasp the kettle bell
- Grasp kettle bell with both hands
- Extend hips and knees keeping torso upright and eyes looking forward
- Continue movement until legs are straight
- Return to starting position of the exercise by pushing hips backwards and bending knees
- Repeat the exercise sequence
About Performance Coach Sean Cochran: Sean Cochran, one of the most recognized performance coaches in sports today. A career spanning positions with 2 major league baseball organizations, over 10 years on the PGA Tour and work with top professionals including three-time Masters, PGA, and British Open Champion Phil Mickelson, future hall of fame Trevor Hoffman, and Cy Young award winner Jake Peavy provides Sean a proven track record of success. He has been involved in the production of numerous performance videos and authored books including; Performance Golf Fitness, Complete Conditioning for Martial Arts, and Fit to Hit. He has been a presenter of educational seminars for numerous organizations including the world renown Titleist Performance Institute.