Author: Sean Cochran

Power and Clubhead Speed Development in the Golf Swing

Power in the most basic of formulas is strength plus speed. It is the combination of these two entities cohesively working together that allows a sprinter to sprint fast, a pitcher to throw hard, and a golfer to swing with power. The scientific definition of power states it is the ability to generate the greatest amount of force in a short amount of time. (Vladimir Zatsiorosky, Professor Department of Exercise and Sport Science, Pennsylvania State University) Power in the golf swing...

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Bent Knee Exercise Ball Back Press

The exercise ball is a staple in my arsenal of training tools for the golfer, baseball player, or any athlete for that matter. This piece of exercise equipment is extremely versatile as it can be used in the development of a number of performance parameters of the kinetic chain such as flexibility, strength, and power. The exercise ball is particularly useful in the development of the core, glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. That is why in all of my performance training...

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The Rotator Cuff and Pitching

The rotator cuff is referred to frequently at all levels of baseball from the professional ranks down to little league. This anatomical area of the kinetic chain is integral in the throwing motion and the high rate of shoulder injuries in pitchers highlights the importance of injury preventative modalities for the rotator cuff. Introduction The rotator cuff is a unit comprised of four muscles located in the shoulder area of the upper torso. It consists of four separate muscles which are as...

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Pike Strength Ball Exercise for Sports Performance

The strength ball or exercise ball as it is commonly referred too may be one of the best and most versatile pieces of equipment in the gym. I have personally used the strength ball in my training for well over 15 years and continue to use it today. The benefits of the strength ball are vast as it is a great tool to develop core stabilization strength, create instability, and in general develop exercise progressions. Strengths of the exercise ball are...

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Performance Absolutes for Arm Health in Pitchers

I was fortunate enough during my tenure as a strength and conditioning coach in professional baseball with the Milwaukee Brewers and San Diego Padres to be mentored by pitching guru Dr. Tom House, work under some great coaches such as Bruce Bochy, and train some outstanding pitchers in Trevor Hoffman, Jake Peavy, Barry Zito, and Cole Hammels to name a few. These experiences provided myself a fundamental understanding of the stresses placed upon a pitcher during a MLB season and the...

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Physio-Ball Forearm Saws Perfomance Exercise

The development of segmental stability or sometimes referred to as pillar strength is integral in the overall development of the athlete. Limitations in segmental stability within the lumbo/pelvic/hip complex can adversely affect sports performance. Improves Your: Pillar strength Target Area: Musculature of the lumbo/pelvic/hip complex Why It's Important: Segmental stabilization within the lumbo/pelvic/hip complex is integral for the athlete in the maintenance of postural positions in sport, the transfer of speed through the kinetic chain, and the generation of rotary speed. The Common Problem:...

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Kettle Bell Plank Row Performance Exercise

The kettle bell is a very useful tool for sports performance training. This piece of equipment is very versatile and can be utilized for a number of modalities, one of which is the development of strength and stability within the core. The core is a very integral part of the kinetic chain as it pertains to power development, the transfer of kinetic energy, and maintaining postural positions in sport. Any strength and conditioning program for sport should focus on the development...

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Mobility and Flexibility Programming for Athletes

Performance and corrective exercise for sport is predicated upon a systematic approach where the strength and conditioning coach first identifies the kinetic chain dysfunction, next creates a plan to address dysfunction/performance, and finally implements the corrective and performance training program. The process by which the development of mobility within the kinetic chain occurs is the implementation of joint range of motion and flexibility modalities. The fitness professional must understand it is not one type of training or group of exercises through which mobility...

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Functional Strength Training Program Design for Sports Performance

Performance and corrective exercise for the sports performance is predicated upon a systematic approach where the fitness professional first identifies the kinetic chain dysfunction, next creates a plan to address dysfunction/performance, and finally implements the corrective and performance training program. The process by which stabilization, strength, endurance, and power is developed within the musculature of the kinetic chain is through an integrated series of modalities. The fitness professional must understand it is not one type of training or group of exercises...

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Physio-Ball Jack Knife Performance Exercise

The development of core stability is a key component of any sports performance program. The core is integral in the maintenance of postural positions during sports performance, the transfer of ground reaction forces to upper extremities, and the generation of rotational speed. Improves Your: Core Stabilization Strength and Postural Control Target Area: Core Musculature Why It's Important: Athletic action and sports performance requires the transfer of energy through the kinetic chain, the maintenance of postural positions while extremity movements occur, and the generation...

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The Basics of Kinetic Chain Dysfunctions in Sports Performance Training

The kinetic chain of the human body is comprised of the articular, muscular, and nervous systems. It is these three sub-systems of the kinetic working interdependently to create efficient movement within the human body. Dysfunctional movement patterns within the human body and  during athletic actions are a result of impairments within these systems of the kinetic chain. Breakdowns within the articular, neural, and muscular system results in Serial Distortion Patterns. A serial distortion pattern refers to the situation where the integrity of the...

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Kettle Bell Swings Performance Exercise

The development of strength and power in the kinetic chain is imperative to sports performance. The kettle bell is an extremely useful piece of equipment to utilize in the development of both of these parameters in the kinetic chain. Athletes especially at the high school and occasionally at the collegiate level lack the lower body and hip strength to generate power. Improves Your: Lower Body Strength and Power Outputs Target Area: Lower Body and Hips Why Its' Important: The generation of speed, sprinting...

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Sports Performance Guidelines for Baseball

To improve performance, increase bat speed, throwing accuracy, sprinting ability, change of direction, and prevent injury in your game, it is necessary to develop the “five physical pillars” of the kinetic chain. Empirical evidence also suggests it is best to develop these physical components in order. Begin with mobility, then progressing to neuromuscular efficiency, and completing the process with power training. Following this sequence provides the correct ratios of mobility to stability, and prevents the possibility of injury to a...

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Medicine Ball Overhead Scoop Throw Performance Exercise

The development of lower body power is integral in most all sports. Increasing the rate of force production and speed of force production will benefit the athlete in the majority of actions involved in sport today. One type of modality the strength and conditioning coach can utilize to enhance lower body power production is plyometrics sometimes referred too as jump training. Improves Your: Lower Body Power Outputs & Triple Extension Target Area: Lower Body Musculature Why Its' Important: Lower body power is a...

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Tennis Ball Lifts Performance Exercise

The "Glutes" are the largest muscle group within the kinetic chain and a very powerful muscle group as it pertains to performance. Unfortunately for many athletes the glutes do not "fire" and are not "active" during sports performance. The benefits of getting the glutes to "fire" and contribute in athletic actions is of great benefit. Improves Your: Glute Activation Target Area: Glute Medius & Maximus Why It's Important: The Glutes are a driver of the lower body, active in rotary movement patterns, involved...

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Power Development Guidelines for Sport Performance

The development of speed, power, and the ability to change direction in sport requires the athlete to generate high force output levels in a short amount of time. The ability to create maximum performance in these aforementioned sport components requires power. Power is in the most basic terms strength plus speed. The ability of the strength and conditioning professional to develops these components within the kinetic chain can exponentially increase the performance parameters of the athlete in their chosen sport. Power...

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Side Plank Core Stabilization Performance Exercise

The ability of the core anatomy to transfer energy from the lower extremities to the upper body, maintain postural positions, and oppose external forces is imperative to sports performance. The greater efficiency by which the kinetic chain can fulfill these requirements of sports the greater potential for success by the athlete. Improves Your: Core Stabilization & Anti-Rotation Capacities Target Area: Musculature of the Core Why Its' Important: As stated above the majority of sports require a transfer of energy generated by the lower...

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Box Jumps Power Performance Exercise

The generation of power from the lower body is integral as it pertains to speed development, triple extension, ground reaction forces, and the translation of energy through the kinetic chain. Athletic performance in the majority of sports require lower body power and as a result the development of lower body power is a cornerstone of any strength and conditioning program. Improves Your: Lower Body Push Power & Deceleration Target Area: Musculature of Lower Body Why Its' Important: The generation of speed in most...

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Core Performance Training Guidelines

The core is an integral part of performance training as this anatomical area of the kinetic chain is integral in the stabilization of kinetic chain during athletic actions, a generator of rotary power, and integral in the transfer of kinetic energy from lower extremities to the upper body. Recognition of the importance this anatomical section of the body plays in athletics it is imperative the development of the core consists of a comprehensive series of training modalities. These training modalities will focus on developing neuromuscular control,...

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Medicine Ball Power Drops Performance Exercise

The generation of power from the kinetic chain is imperative in sports performance. Speed, agility, and overall athletic performance is dependent upon this component. That being said, regardless of sport, power development is a key component of any strength and conditioning program. Improves Your: Upper Body Push Power Target Area: Prime Movers of the Shoulder Joint Why Its’ Important: Power generation is strength plus speed. It is necessary to develop both of these components within the kinetic chain. Differing modalities address each of...

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